Hyper builds modern teaching systems that embrace traditional practices and core values developed specifically for retention and student engagement. Our system is based on three main components: the best curriculum, the best teaching strategies, and the most effective marketing materials. We provide everything a school needs for success, from instructor training materials like a success lab with video tutorials, written class plans, drills, webinars, and private Facebook networking groups.

We help drive growth by providing professionally prepared materials, which allows schools to reach out into their communities by supplying access to innovative enrollment tools, promotional posters, social media posts, commercials and more.


Developed by industry-leading pro athletes and trainers, Hyper Pro Training classes are a fusion of martial arts techniques, plyometrics, acrobatics, creative forms, and weapons forms. Surrounded by friends in a highly motivated environment, your students learn to jump higher, kick faster and hit harder while improving speed, power, agility, and flexibility. We believe in a modern approach to training that disrupts repetitive routines, which in turn maximizes your students’ performance and focus. Current programs include: Forms, Weapons, Tricking, Kung Fu, Competition, and Demo Team Programs.


Developed in partnership with world-class fight athletes and trainers, Hyper’s Fight Club curriculum is a fusion of the best martial arts techniques, sparring combinations, and scientific drills to help schools create powerful and motivational experiences. We believe in a modern approach to training that disrupts repetitive routines, which in turn maximizes performance. Current programs include: Kickboxing, MMA, Sport Fighting, Taekwondo, Combat Fighting, and Self-Defense.


The Live Your Life: Community Outreach Programs give you the tools you need to provide education and support on topics that are uniquely suited to the martial arts industry. Combined with a leadership-focused advocacy program, this suite of programs is guaranteed to amplify your impact in the community while growing your school in an organic and meaningful way. Current programs include: Health & Fitness, Youth Safety, Adult Safety, and Bully Awareness.


Hyper Camps help you create a fun learning experience in your school by increasing your ability to provide dynamic experiences, grow your revenue, and improve student retention. By attending a Hyper Camp, students will learn lessons that will positively impact their performance in school, at home, at work, in the gym, at tournaments, and with friends. Camps are an essential key to unlocking your school's potential! Current themes include: Teamwork, Be Awesome, Inspired, Excellence, Innovate, Be Legendary, Ambitious, Persevere, Dedication, Represent, Consistency, Honor, and Believe.


Become a Hyper Pro School today and get access to the industries most innovative martial arts curriculum, and save more than 50% on your monthly Leadership Training Membership. Just hit the link or contact customer service today by calling 866.931.4260 or emailing us at support@hypermartialarts.com